Imagine you are working in another city/overseas. Write an email to one of your family members stating how you are and that your contract almost ends so you will be back home soon.
For question 1, you can answer either in English or Indonesian.
For question 2, you must write in English.
The differences between memo and email
Memo is a short message from the leader to the employer, while email is a message from somebody to another to communicate or give information. Usually memo is written briefly, while email is written completely.
Email Example
To: Rayyana
Hello Ray!
I miss you so much. I hope you and our family is in good condition. I am fine and very happy with my job here. the leader and all staff here are kind. But, my contract almost end soon and I will back home. Don't worry because I believe that I will continue the contact next year. See you Ray.
Your lovely sister,
Perbedaan Email dan memo dapat mudah dilihat dari alat pengirimnya. Email adalah surat atau pesan yang dikirimkan dalam format digital. Sedangkan memo adalah surat yang ditulis singkat, padat, dan jelas menggunakan tangan.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Materi tentang personal letter
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